Dr. Andrew Kelly Explains The Effects Of Smoking On Dental Implants And Oral Hygiene

Dr. Andrew Kelly Explains The Effects Of Smoking On Dental Implants And Oral Hygiene

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Smoking is a well-known cause of negative health effects however, the impact it has to oral health especially with regards to dental implants, are often ignored. If you're considering or already are using dental implants, understanding how smoking affects their health is vital to maintaining your smile in good health.

Smoking And Dental Implant Success

Dental implants require a healthy and sanitary environment in order for healing and integration with the jawbone. Smoking can significantly decrease the likelihood of successful implant integration. Nicotine can enlarge blood vessels, reducing circulation to gums as well as bone. A lack of blood supply could hinder the healing process, which makes it difficult for the implant to fully fuse to the bone. This could lead to failure of the implant or complications such as infections.

Increased Risk Of Gum Disease

Smoking not only affects the healing process but can increase the chance of developing gum disease, which is a major reason for failure of implants. Gum disease, also known as periodontitis, is a condition that causes tissue damage and bone that support your teeth. Dr. Andrew Kelly, a specialist in dental implants, warns that those who smoke are at a higher risk to develop gum disease which can affect the stability of dental implants and lead to the loss of their implants.

Long-Term Effects On Oral Health

After the initial healing phase Smoking can pose risks to the health of your mouth. It could cause discoloration of implants and teeth, persistent bad breath, and an increased risk of oral cancer. Smoking can also affect the efficacy of hygiene routines and makes it more difficult to keep a clean and healthy mouth.

Conclusion: Prioritize Your Oral Health

Quitting smoking is one of the most beneficial choices you can take to improve your overall health which includes the long-term health of the dental implants you have. Should you smoke and considering dental implants, speak to Your dentist regarding the dangers and the best way to safeguard that investment into your dental smile. For more info make sure you click on this link Dr. Andrew Kelly winston-salem NC.

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